23 August 2010

I've got some where to live!

So finally it seems that I may actually have somewhere to live and moving is happening. It's not an ideal situation and it's not exactly something I would have gone for originally, but hopefully it'll work out. I went to London last Wednesday and looked at a few places. One was a flat sharing with another girl and the room was in a  loft it also had it's own bathroom. It was nice but I went to look at other places. In the end there was only one other place that I was considering but I decided to give the landlord of the first place a call. I think I must of called him as he was coming home from work as he asked if he could call me back. So he called me back and told me something unexpected. I've had lots of rejection calls so I was preparing myself for this. He told me the room had been taken but only for four months. So he suggested that I could move in with his brother-in-law who lives in another flat in the same building. I needed to think as I didn't fancy the idea of living with a guy, in a group house it's ok but just with one guy not sure. Anyway thought and prayed and went to have a look at the place and meet the guy with my parents (who are visiting from Australia). So the place seemed ok and the guy seemed nice. But I needed to sleep on it I still wasn't sure. The next day I felt it was the right thing to do, it's only four months and I'm free to leave when ever or stay and move into the loft. So then I waited and waited to hear back from the landloard as to if the guy would want me to take his spare room. I wasn't sure if it was going to happen but couldn't really find anything else. So finally it has all started to come together. The guy said I could move in and the landlord emailed me the details. Hopefully I'll be moving soon, yay!


  1. Yay! I'm so glad you finally found something (even though it's only temporary) Is this in the 'Little Princess' room?

  2. Do you mean the room with a roof life this /\? Cause that's the room I will be able to move into in December.
